The Toyota Production System creates a “community of scientists.” Toyota uses a rigorous problem solving process that is, in effect, an experimental test of any proposed changes. In this workshop we will explain Toyota’s powerful approach to problem solving and the Four Rules that underlie it. We will practice using actual case studies and explain what the Four Rules and the problem solving method mean for management systems and behaviour. We will illustrate underlying mental models. Finally, we will discuss infrastructure required to develop and sustain problem solvers, and make explicit the link between problem solving and core lean activities such as strategy deployment, standardised work, visual management and human resources practices.
To create and sustain problem solvers at all levels we need to link problem solving to core management systems and behaviour. The explicit link between problem solving and lean activities such as policy management, standardised work, visual management, human resources management and “go see” (Gemba) activities are explained. You will learn how to do this simply and effectively.
Course Outline:
In this one-day, hands-on workshop, you will work with case studies and exercises to learn a proven problem solving approach (PDCA and A3 Thinking). You will also learn how to link problem solving to core management systems in your journey towards a learning culture.
Problem solving has been called the “DNA of the Toyota Production System.” The world’s most successful companies are those that develop problem solvers at every level. Specific topics include:
- The lean problem solving process
- Four critical questions (of PDCA problem solving) and common pitfalls
- Use of SQDC check sheets and other data gathering and analysis documents
- The five levels of management capability
- PDCA/A3 thinking and use of the problem solving A3 document
- Infrastructure needed to sustain problem solving
- Role and activities of the leader
- Relating problem solving to core lean activities
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this workshop you should be able to:
- Follow the steps of the lean problem solving process (PDCA)
- Know how to use different problem solving templates in different circumstances
- Develop concise problem solving A3s
- Understand and be able to explain the management processes and infrastructure needed to sustain problem solving at all levels
Who Should Attend?
- Managers, supervisors, technical support personnel and change agents
- Organisations that want to institute company-wide change
- Organisations that have experience with value stream mapping, and want to implement lean in production, service and beyond
Suggested Reading:
This one-day workshop assumes you are familiar with basic lean terms and concepts as described in Lean Thinking by Jim Womack and Dan Jones. Other suggested reading includes:
- Getting the Right Things Done, by Pascal Dennis (Lean Enterprise Institute 2006)
- “Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System” (Harvard Business Review Sept-Oct 1999), by Steven Spear and H. Kent Bowen
- “Learning to Lead at Toyota” (Harvard Business Review May 2004), by Steven Spear
- Lean Production Simplified, by Pascal Dennis (Productivity Press 2002)
- The Toyota Way (McGraw-Hill New York: 2004) by Jeffrey Liker